Natural Remedies to Know

Native to South Africa, traditional herbalists would commonly grow and chew Kanna herb to reap its mood-lifting benefits as well as its anxiety, depression, and stress-relieving properties by the process of the amygdala's chemical reaction to the herb (which is the region of the human brain responsible for emotion and behavior).
While Kanna can enhance good vibes, it may also boost cognitive abilities such as memory, perception, and attention span. The potent alkaloids concentrated within the herb work effectively on the brain to stimulate dopamine levels while simultaneously inhibiting serotonin reuptake.

Asian Ginseng:
Traditional herbalists, medical practitioners, and folk healers have used Asian Ginseng in Chinese medicine for centuries, primarily as a stimulating agent, due to its two significant compounds: ginsenosides and gintonin (compared to American Ginseng, which some would classify as a relaxing agent, with varying concentrations of active compounds and effects).
As a stimulant, Asian Ginseng may increase the activity of dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain (which are chemical neurotransmitters in the sympathetic nervous system), as well as naturally increase alertness, attention, and energy, while decreasing inflammation in the body.

Green Tea (or Matcha):
One of the most ancient forms of medicine and health maintenance, traditional Chinese herbalists have recommended drinking Green Tea for millennia, especially for its beneficial compounds such as polyphenols and chlorophyll, which are micronutrients that can improve digestion issues, weight management difficulties, diabetes, as well as neurodegenerative and cardiovascular diseases.
Also known as one of the most popular sources of antioxidants, Matcha tincture can fight free radical damage that can lead to cell degeneration in the body, as well as proteins and lipids that can protect from naturally occurring oxidation.
Also, check out the answer to the question: does matcha help you lose weight?

Ginkgo Biloba:
As far as natural remedies go, scientific research that studies the relationship between herbs and severe illness such as dementia and Alzheimer's disease is still in its infancy. However, there is some evidence indicating that Ginkgo Biloba can improve cognition and memory, as well as social behavior and motor skills.
Among its well-known health benefits, Ginkgo Biloba may help alleviate symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder, and some studies have observed improvements in the vision of people with glaucoma as well as a deceleration in the onset of age-related macular degeneration.